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behold your God, the weight of majesty resources updated HERE weekly.
Join us for a two part Study of Colossians chapter 1 & 2 with an emphasis on Colossians 2:6-7.
Click on the Banner for Week 1 to find resources for Your study. Get a fresh glimpse of God and let Him reveal Himself to you as the BIG God that He is!
You can also Listen to or Watch Lesson 1
Lesson 2 Week 2 We will begin a journey to meet the God who cannot change. He is Immutable.
Click the Banner for Week 2: You will be in awe of how important this characteristic of God is in your every day life. All I can say is Wow!
You can also Listen to or Watch Lesson 2
Lesson 3 Week 3
Be in awe again of God and desire to worship Him even more as we look at the infinite and eternal God!
Click the Banner for Week 3: As we discover more and more about our God, let’s be astounded even further by His unlimited love and Grace. See these attributes of God with fresh eyes in this weeks lesson.
Lesson 4 Week 4
We begin to explore the significance of God’s Mighty Presence everywhere at all times! How will this and does this effect our daily lives? It should.
Click the Banner for Week 4: Understanding God’s presence more fully, we appreciate the nearness that Jesus made possible for all believers in Christ.
Lesson 5 Week 5
We will dive into the vast unlimited and uncontainable Power of THE Almighty! Get ready for your faith to expand and your mind to be blown!
Click the Banner for Week 5:
Lesson 6 Week 6
In this study we will see how beginning to understand the reality that God is Omniscient, will directly effect our daily lives. God’s genius cannot be duplicated.
Click the Banner for Week 6: Resources.

Lesson 7 Week 7
God’s ability to rule all is most essential to us understanding God’s nature. It is the one thing that can keep people away from Him and can also cause people to come running to Him as fast as possible.
Click the Banner for Week 7: Resources.

Lesson 8 Week 8

Lesson 9 Week 9