Mar '20

Coronavirus News
Mar '20

We are now opening our Sanctuary for Service. Start time is 10:30AM and we will end around 11:30AM. This will be done with extreme caution and with strict precautions.
1. Please wear your mask and gloves if you feel comfortable doing so. You can bring your own mask or bandana, but we also have a good supply at the church; so we will provide one for you if you desire.
2. Please arrive early enough to get parked and enter the Church building keeping more than 6 feet apart from others as they enter.
3. Please Enter the building using all entrances, even if that means you come in a different entrance than usual, if you see several people entering the same entrance, use a different entrance.
4. Please do not linger in the hallway or foyer. Move as quickly as you can to the sanctuary to be seated in a section as the Ushers guide you. They will direct you to use every other pew, making sure you and your family are a safe difference from others.
5. Please honor our One at a Time Restroom precaution. The door will indicate if the restroom is being used. Please wait until that person is finished and then take your turn.
6. Please Use hand sanitizer on the wall in the foyer when needed. Our restrooms have a No Touch paper towel system.
7. During the Offering, you will not need to touch offering bags, just drop your tithe or offering envelope into the bag as Ushers come by.
We are excited about coming together, but please avoid shaking hands, speaking too close to others, even with masks, & no hugging. Thank you for helping us stay as safe as possible.
If you feel UNCOMFORTABLE returning at this time or you have a lung disease or a immune deficiency problem, you still have the option of watching live on Facebook Live. The link is below. 🙂
Click here to Watch: GFF Facebook Live
Our area of Martin county and several other NC counties are beginning to see a new strain of the Covid-19 virus that the media is calling the “delta variant”. Whether you have been vaccinated or chosen not to be, you need to be very carful and continue to use caution as this variant is much more contagious. As of now we are not requiring masks, but if you have not been vaccinated, professionals say that when gathering in any area with more than 10 people indoors, you should continue to wear a mask. Please do what will make you comfortable and keep you and your family safe.
Below is some of our ARCHIVED NEWS, but can still be relevant. 🙂
Breaking News:
During this Time Of uncertainty because of the Corona Virus or Covid-19…ChurchES have had to cancel SOME OF OUR meetings because of the potential of spreading this very contagious Virus that has caused a Pandemic in our Nation.
But don’t loose heart. – WE are here for you!
If you are unable to attend church, we are providing a way for you to continue to stay connected. Just make sure you have “Liked” our Grace Family Fellowship FACEBOOK page and you are all set. If you need help navigating there or setting things up please let us know. you can call Pastor David at 1-(252) 430-9491
To Get Started, Click here Online Church
If you do not have access to facebook, maybe you know someone who does and can share with you.
Also, please continue to give your Tithe, you can do that here too. Securely and easily. Just click Here:
Or you can mail your Tithes to the church Post office Box.
P.O. Box 995 Robersonville NC, 27871
Thank you.
If you need any help, please Call, we will be glad to help you. (252) 430-9491