Dec '20

Behold your God 2 The weight of Majesty Lesson/Week 2
Dec '20

Week Two Student Sheet pt 2 Lesson 2

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The Student Study Guide Handout for Week 2 Lesson 2 Part .(Click button)
The Student Study Guide Handout for Week 2 Lesson 2 Part 2.(Click button)
The Wow Factor – A Beginning thought:
Imagine how frustrating and pointless it would be to live a decade pursuing God and Him reveal Himself to you; And then Him CHANGING ON YOU!??
I started out thinking, okay, this is an easy one. I know God does not change. We are told in Malachi and Revelation etc… and Hebrews 13:8 where it said: “He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
But after Day 1 of Week 2, I am in awe of how important this attribute of God is. So much about God hinges on His Immutability (The God who does NOT change). Just think of His Love…I’m glad He does not Change His unconditional Love for me when I let Him down. I’m glad His Grace and Mercy toward me does not become fatigued as I struggle to grow my roots deeper in His truths.
I agree with the Workbook, “Humanity desperately needs a God who cannot be modified, altered, or adapted.” Page 27
An Amazing Word from God:
As we were digging into this marvelous meal in Malachi, I am moved to Worship and Praise God! Even though God’s people have shifted and turned away from God in different ways through the generations, God has never shifted or turned completely away from His people. “He has freely made promises to them and freely kept those promises.” “Jacobs’s family (God’s people) always changed–But nothing they did, right or wrong, can alter the covenant-faithfulness of God.” When they turn away from Him, His call to come to Him remains firm (like the prodigal son). So when we return to Him, He promises to meet us as we return. He even promises “I will return to you.” – Page 34
What a Wonderful and Faithful God
As a Christian today, God’s plans for you have not changed! “…NO changes in situation–your family, your job, your home,your health, your church, or your nation–can alter these plans” (even a pandemic!). Pg 35
This is such a wonderful promise to consider. I know if you read through these first few days of Lesson 2 and the verses and scriptures, you are encouraged too. If you would like, share in the comments at the bottom of this page what the Lord is speaking to you. Remember others can read it also.
Relevant Truth:
[Book page 39] “This world is not conducive to (does not make it easy for) obedience…the World constantly strives to lure us away from God and into sin. Lies regarding who God is, who we are, and what sin is – relentlessly bombard us. Our enemy seeks to destroy us, and we are susceptible to his lies. Therefore, to live unto God, we must know how to deal with sin’s attraction; we must know how to resist temptation.”
This truth has never been more true this week. As we see the world rapidly changing and moving toward a demonic and Anti-God/anti-christ momentum in a strong way; I am reminded of Psalm 2:4 “God, who sits in the heavens laughs, the LORD scoffs at them.”
Lord help us through this very timely study to see Your strong and steady hand, even in an ever growing dark day. Let us see the contrast that the Psalmist did in Psalm 102 and be impassioned with the contradiction. The condition of mankind vs. Your nature is so stark and even more clear as we see YOU; let it motivate our prayers and our choices!
Word Definition: (day 4 pg 42)
Death, in the context of James 1:15 is talking about “separation from God”. When Adam sinned, he did not die physically immediately, but he was instantly separated from God. This leads to all other forms of “death”. Even ultimately the “second death” in hell. Hell is a bad and awful place mainly because you are cut off from God’s love, protection, life, provisions, and Grace eternally. All the attributes of God that were promised in His faithful love-covenant will be unavailable because the individuals who go there refused to accept God’s Covenant-Love offer. When God said to the “children of Jacob” in Malachi 3:6, you will not be consumed”. It was in the context CONDITION that they receive the Messiah, that is spoken about in verse 1. For the Messenger of the Covenant, Jesus, fulfilled all that God promised and He restored everything. (not just a man made temple, but God’s very own people becoming the Temple of His Holy Spirit.) If not, the implication here is that one day, on Judgment day, the Lord will say instead: Children, you are consumed.
Interesting note: God is described as an “All consuming fire” in Hebrews 12:29 and in Deuteronomy 4:24 and suggested in Matthew 10:28. So I believe that HELL FIRE is a manifestation of God’s presence in the pure form of Wrath…never to be escaped or satisfied. This is just my theory based on these scriptures. Only God knows…but one thing is for sure…it is worse than anything the human mind can imagine or comprehend.
Praise the Lord, we still live in the Dispensation prophesied about in Hosea 11:9b “I will not come to you in Wrath.”
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