Jun '23

Celebrating Our Refuge & Purpose
Jun '23

2024 Theme Revealed!
Beginning 2024, we are seeking God for Revival as we Celebrate Him as our Refuge! But we will also hear the Call of God by His Holy Spirit to fulfill His Purpose! We are to seek and to save the lost! This has always been a purpose of the church and a burden for God’s people…but I feel that it is vital we focus on this more than ever before!
A generation of souls is being lied too! They are dying and going to an eternal Hell! Our purpose is clearly commissioned by God: “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to everyone!” Mark 16:15
We have a distinct responsibility to do this! Why?
#1. Because we have surrendered our lives to the Lord and are born again!
#2. Because we are Ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20)
#3. Because we Love God and People! (Matthew 22:37-39)
#4. Because WE HAVE A REFUGE!
This is what we will be emphasizing this year and Celebrating!
Psalms 18:30“God’s way is perfect. The word of the Lord proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him.”
Knowing that God is our Refuge, and that we are always within the borders of this divine shielding; Distinctly positions us for Victory in Christ and to take this LOVE to a dying world! There are several ways:
#1. Those in Christ, who live a Biblical World view (the Whole council of God’s word is observed as truth), are protected from dominate Human influence and cultural rot!
#2. We have ONE who strengthens us despite our troubles and daily challenges. (Psalms 59:16) Everyone has problems and struggles. But ours do not have to stop us from living FREE, living with JOY and living VICTORIOUS! Our problems also do not have to halt our ability to fulfill God’s purpose for us. Sure, others may be paralyzed when trouble hits…But we have a God bigger than our troubles that can strengthen us through our struggles and still help us get the Job done!
#3. We have a well of wisdom and a library of instruction within the walls of our REFUGE! We don’t base our lives on our opinion, cultural changes, politics, or people’s whims. We allow our lives to be governed by the ABSOLUTE authority of God’s word. The B.I.B.L.E. “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth”. The Bible says we are without excuse (Romans 1:20).
#4. We have a Divine Anointing from God Himself. The Holy Spirit empowers those who are available and obedient. I mean, if we are inside our REFUGE, everything we need is right there! (Psalm 23)! Acts 10:38 “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.”
Of course God is with us! We are inside our REFUGE! It is not about what I can do or who I am, It is about what HE can do and Who HE is! It is His message and Gospel! And that Gospel message is “the power of God unto salvation”! (Romans 1:16)
88 Times in the Bible, God talks about being our Refuge. Even when cities of refuge are mentioned, these foreshadow God’s Plan of Salvation for us in Christ. In our Refuge, we are sheltered from eternal death, separation from God, and from Satan placing his grip on us! Satan can’t cross the bloodline and he surely can’t penetrate the walls of our REFUGE! In our Refuge, we are protected from the dominance of human influence and fear (Psalm 118:8). We are blessed to be able to taste and see God’s goodness and Power (Psalm 34:8). We are shielded from condemnation and rescued when in trouble! And He is close to us when we are broken or grieving (Psalm 34:17-22)! In our Refuge, we’re given a song to sing even when were troubled (Psalm 59:16)! And so many more we will explore together!
We are Celebrating our Refuge and Purpose! Praise His Name!